Interactive artifact representing a sculpture
in the form of a vertical volumetric sound wave
with the disk shaped base
into which the sound, LED and sensor systems are integrated.

"One who understands the Principle of Vibration grasps the scepter of power"
Hermetic philosophy

Vertical LED sculpture two meters high, made of acrylic material with a light-scattering coating. The base, in the form of a mirror disk made of polished metal, has an interactive system with motion sensors and an acoustic system.

Depending on the activity of the audience, the sculpture reproduces a unique sound scale and color palette.

In other words: viewers of the exposition and their activity near the artifact control the audio-visual space of the sculpture, plunging into the process of interaction with the object and creating a collective and whole musical composition.

The sculpture is made of acrylic glass sheets "Quinn lumina cast" and "Satinice WH10", an acrylic pipe "Plexiglas Satin Ice clear 0D010 DF".

High-quality acoustic system BOSE Soundlink II, motion sensors, over 1000 multicolored LED pixels, custom software package.

July 2017
MEDIA IN / GAMMA Festival of Media Arts
New Stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater, St Petersburg
Since July 14 on the New Stage for the first time MEDIA IN festival of media art.

WAVE - sensitive sculpture in the form of a vertical volumetric sound wave reacts to the slightest movement and reproduces a unique sonic range and color palette. What colors and sounds she will respond to your approach - we learn at the festival of media arts MEDIA IN and GAMMA.

April, 2017
TESSART, St Petersburg
"Tessart" is a project created at the intersection of art and digital technologies: interactive exhibitions, installations, dome laser theater, virtual reality zone, sound sculpture WAVE.

Within the first two months of the opening, visitors will be able to touch the real light wave in the form of sound sculptures.

December, 2016
Cultural Forum
Museum of Communication, St Petersburg
The cultural program of the Economic Forum has not been without modern technologies.

"The interactive art object from acrylic WAVE" JF-44-553 "presented at the exhibition, which is a vertical sculpture in the form of a volume sound wave, gives the world a message that everyone can program in real time. Simple movements visualize the message in the sculpture by a splash dynamic light and surround sound. "

Central Museum of Communications named after A.S. Popov

October, 2016
LENEXPO, St Petersburg
Sonic Sculpture WAVE on INWETEX-CIS TRAVEL MARKET 2016 - the largest international tourist exhibition in the North-West of Russia, the 5 largest directions of the industry.

Participation in the exhibition promotes expansion and strengthening of active business and cultural relations with representatives of the enterprises of the tourist industry of St. Petersburg, North-West and other regions of Russia, CIS countries and far abroad.

The mobile dome of the planetarium with interactive light sculptures and installations for the Tourism Development Committee of St. Petersburg within the framework of the international tourist exhibition INWETEX.

October, 2016
Mystery m_division
Hall of Pelicans, St Petersburg

Sound sculpture WAVE on the Mystery under the light of the laser theater Lux Aeterna Theater.

The secret Petersburg traditions of the past centuries were reflected in the forms of a modern large-scale masquerade ball in the palace interiors of the 18th century.

The Pelikanov Hall, historically designed for balls: high ceilings, columns, bas-reliefs of pelicans, in honor of which he was named.
The building on Kazanskaya Street, house 7 was built in the era of neo-Renaissance by architect Giacomo Quarenghi, whose projects have built a good part of St. Petersburg's sights.

Once upon a time there were His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancery for the Empress Maria, the Ministry of State Charity and the Guardianship Building of the Educational House.


December, 2016
Lumiere Hall, St Petersburg
Sonic Sculpture WAVE was presented at the creative space of the Lumiere Hall in the context of the SCIENCE FEST festival.


October, 2016
Manege, St Petersburg
The debut of the sound sculpture WAVE in the Manege of St. Petersburg at the exhibition, dedicated to the interrelation of sound in space.

"The sound is transcendental by default, it does not have an exact place, like, for example, a body, or another material object." The sound extends beyond the body or any other source. "Man regulates the sound with music that is available for repetition, reproduction, sound objects, they can belong to someone, when the recognized boundaries of the object are understood Expressed, say, in notes, but the sound itself does not belong to anyone. In principle, the noise of the machine can be attributed to the machine, but the sound from the speakers - it does not belong um columns? Not owned computer.

A voice can belong to a person, but, by and large, it belongs, rather, speech, but a shout, out-of-speech singing, some throaty singing - is it, without a visible source, whose? And what about real-time singing?

If the sound is transcendental, a non-everyday sound, filling the space, creates a space of transcendence. "


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